For the last 14 years, the Latino Journal has made voter recommendations on statewide and local elections. The recommendations are result of our studying the issues, learning about the candidates, and assessing who and what would benefit the Latino community the most. The following are the 2010-midterm election voter recommendations for California:
U.S. Senate: Barbara Boxer
Carly Fiorina is just too divisive for California Latinos to support. She endorsed the new discriminatory law in Arizona and is too much of an arch-conservative on immigration. So, we reluctantly endorse the re-election bid of Barbara Boxer, but not without expressing serious concerns. Boxer blocked the last comprehensive immigration law on behalf of unions. America’s unions have a problem with “undocumented workers” and they don’t want more Mexicans. Latinos need to figure out how to rattle Boxer’s cage so she stops disrespecting this community in the future. It would be great to have Boxer defeated but not by someone who is obviously a much worst choice.
Governor: No Endorsement
Both Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman have strengths and weaknesses.
Brown will champion worker and undocumented immigrant rights. He has government experience and may be able to work with the current legislature. But, he has some major flaws. In the seventies he hired union supporters as deputy labor commissioners who used “Gestapo Like” actions to close down businesses for labor code violations (as he has done with the Attorney General’s office). He lacks ability to work with the private sector that ultimately creates jobs and stimulates the economy. Non union companies will find it hard to get access to Brown. No Latinos were part of his inner circle the last four years he has been Attorney General, or now in his campaign circle. His seventies style of governing is not relevant today.
Meg Whitman knows how to work the private sector to gain economic advantages for California which then creates jobs and prosperity. We also like that she appreciates Latinos and has a robust Latino component in her campaign. She was hurt by two major factors, the illegal immigrant who lied on her employment documents and her contribution of over $160 million of her own money to her campaign that she claims makes her independent from special interest. Most of the 200,000 state employees are working hard to defeat her since she declared a desire to cut 40,000 jobs.
We wish California had better choices, so, take your pick.
Lieutenant Governor: Abel Maldonado
Abel Maldonado is perfect as California’s Lt. Governor. He is a Latino who began as a farm worker, then became a businessman farmer, then a legislator and now is the highest ranking Latino in the State. Throughout his political career Maldonado consistently led to create laws that make good public policy and in a non-partisan fashion. He works diligently for the public’s best interest and clearly deserves the Latino vote.
Secretary of State: No Endorsement
Current Secretary of State Debra Bowen has been a great disappointment. She displays no sense of concern or urgency over the fact Latinos have some of the poorest voter turn-outs as any other group. She la-di-das through her work day and seems not to give a hoot for the mess in voter apathy. Her opponent, the high energy and great guy Damon Dunn, is not going to get elected, so, we make no endorsement. Stay home on this one … she doesn’t care anyway.
State Controller: John Chiang
John Chiang is an up and coming public servant that should be supported by the Latino community and should get re-elected. He is widely speculated as a future candidate for governor and the Asian community holds him in high esteem. His inclusive nature and success in public service make this an easy endorsement.
State Treasurer: Bill Lockyer
Throughout his public life Bill Lockyer has been inclusive and pays a great amount of attention and respect to the Latino community. Over the years he has championed policies that are balanced and good for the public. We encourage Latinos to vote for Bill Lockyer to retain his position as State Treasurer.
State Attorney General: Steve Cooley
Steve Cooley’s long history of being tough on crime, yet a noble and non-partisan law enforcement professional as the District Attorney for Los Angeles has made him the top choice of law enforcement leaders throughout California. Latinos could not have a better candidate to support to be top cop as Attorney General. He is fair, non-partisan and inclusive in his governance and so Latinos should vote for him.
Insurance Commissioner: Dave Jones
Sacramento Assemblymember Dave Jones is an intelligent and charismatic leader who works hard and works smart. He promotes balance between consumer interest and business. We have found him to be a formidable champion and an articulate speaker of inclusive policies that he hopes to promote as Insurance Commissioner. It is with deep respect and admiration that we endorse his candidacy and urge Latinos to vote for Dave Jones to be our next Insurance Commissioner.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction: Tom Torlakson
A long time quality education champion, former Senator and now Assemblymember Tom Torlakson deserves the Latino vote to become superintendent of public instruction. He understands the school dropout problem and is endorsed by so many Latino elected officials such as Antonio Villaraigosa, Senator Gil Cedillo and many more. His opponent, Larry Aceves, is an education administrator and a great guy, but he lacks the breadth of depth of policy formulation and execution. It would just take him too long to learn it. That is why we endorse Tom Torlakson.
California State Supreme Court Nominations:
It only makes sense for voters to confirm Tani Cantil-Sakauye as Chief Justice, Ming W. Chin and Carlos R. Moreno as Associate Justices because they reflect California’s rich diversity and clearly understand the law from a judicial perspective.
Proposition 19: No
What California needs are healthy minds to fix the economy, not poor pot smokers we can tax. (Oreo cookies anyone?)
Proposition 20: Yes
Gerrymandering for political gain is wrong, regardless of who does it. Californians need to control their future and this is what Prop 20 will do.
Proposition 21: No
This is one of those situations where the state needs to live within its means and not in our pocket books.
Proposition 22: No
The ballot measure pretends it would bar the state from diverting certain types of local revenue. It's not the right solution.
Proposition 23: No
Suspending California's global warming law as prescribed in this proposition would lead to more genetic and respiratory problems for children and the elderly.
Proposition 24: No
Corporations (the wealthy) need tax breaks to grow and create more jobs. This is Econ 101 - the more jobs, the more taxes, the more money for schools.
Proposition 25: No
This is another political party power grab disguised as a public benefit.
Proposition 26: Yes
At last, a law that makes sense for all taxpayers.
Proposition 27: No
A Democratic Party power grab that will leave voters stranded.
For specific candidate information or proposition language, visit the Secretary of State website and good luck on readily finding the information.