Thursday, March 3, 2011

Open letter to Arizona Latinos

Letter to Latinos – Begin the Hispanic Primary Election Rallies in Your Cities!

by Arizona-Hispanic-Republicans on Mar. 02, 2011

Publisher's Note:  This open letter was first published in the Tucson Citizen

Dear Gente:

We have a year and a half to increase our political clout.  We do this by getting ready and registering our cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters and friends who are eligible.  Be sure to put them all on the early ballot system.  We should all ask for early ballots, that way you don’t have to fuss with getting away from work, and you receive your ballot in your mail box (in several states).

The reason why we are in this political mess that is filled with anti-Latino sentiment is because we are “asleep”.  I hear so many of you complain about the tea party whackos, however, we don’t motivate ourselves to vote in the PRIMARY ELECTION seasons.  We cannot afford to let these extremists get anymore control. Latinos bring “moderation” to the table and these stinkin’ politicians know it.
Those of you who are Hispanic Republicans, grab a buddy or family members and register them to vote if they are not registered. If they don’t want to register as a Republican, register them as Independent, Libertarian, or Democrat — it doesn’t matter, as long as they vote. Get them on the early ballot voting system and tell them to vote during the primary elections.  If we can increase and register more Latino Republicans, have them contact SOMOS REPUBLICANS so that we can tell our new voters how to become a GOP leader within their states.  We change the face of the Party from within and restore our sole back to the Party of Abe Lincoln. As a Hispanic Republican….naturally I would prefer to see more Latino Republicans, but understand why they don’t.  Russell Pearce, Joe Arpaio, JD Hayworth, Tom Tancredo have done a superb job at destroying the image of my Party.

Those of you who are Democratic, same with you, grab a buddy or family members and register them to vote if they are not registered.  Several Latinos are registered as Democratic, so there should be more of you who should be Precinct Committeemen or Delegates.  Contact the DNC and tell them you want to hold a leadership within the Democratic Party and demand to find out why there aren’t more Latinos in this role.  The way I figure it, Democratic leaders WANT you to be asleep during the primary elections so that the far left liberals can leave you with a choice of voting for the most liberal person during the general election.  In fact, we are now witnessing a Democratic Senator in Arizona wanting to appear “tough on…immigration” now — her name is Kyrsten Sinema.

We cannot complain if we do not vote during the Primary Elections.  We will have a 2012 Hispanic Friendly voting guide that will make it easy for Latinos to vote based on our list.  The Hispanic voting guide will be based on Politicians who have supported our community.  Politicians who are up for re-election and who have supported anti-immigrant legislation will end up on our UN-friendly list.
Start preparing now.  Every free Latino open concert in Dallas, Ft Worth, San Antonio, Brownsville, Los Angeles, Miami-Dade, Tallahassee, Denver, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, New York, Des Moines, Phoenix, Tucson, Chicago, Salt Lake, and more should have a registration table at these events.  Get with your pastors and find out when their events are and coordinate a table set up to register more gente.

Are you angry and fed up enough?  Will you convert your anger into something productive and more influential?  Then get out the Hispanic vote.  Go to the Post Office, and register every single one of your family members in preparation of the upcoming 2012 elections, except THIS TIME VOTE IN THE PRIMARY ELECTIONS. Vote for politicians who are Hispanic-friendly, and then feel good about registering every eligible person in your family (we have large families) because you did something to counter the extremism we are all witnessing.

DeeDee Garcia Blase
Founder/President of SOMOS REPUBLICANS

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